Sunday, July 15, 2018

West Coast 2018

We are back from our trip to the coast. Traveling always seems to feature some unplanned adventure or delay. I have attached some pictures of the geodesic house we stayed in at Arroyo Grande with pictures of the children exploring. John broke the electric recliner and Tommy broke the wooden tray on the high chair that was there. 

John with the Sealions

Tommy climbs the spiral stair case

A deer visited the playground in the morning

John plays Megasaur Legos

I also attached pictures of KB's retirement. KB had arranged for us to fly the C17 simulator. It was a really nice simulator that was on hydraulic actuators the pitched the simulated cockpit around to give you the feel of motion. The had me fly through some canyons around Mount Ranier. It was a lot of fun until I crashed. The instructor pilot wanted me to veer off to a canyon just below Ranier and apparently I tried to turn the C17 to sharply. I falls out of the sky if you pull an 80 degree bank with 2.5 g's. When Cory had a turn, he flew under the Tacoma Narrows Bridge and then did a mid air refueling with a refueling plane. 

Cory checking the plane out

Landing gear tour

Looking out the escape hatch

The wing view from on top

Friends and Family

Tribute to Mom

KB and Kim have a new puppy and it was crying  a lot while were there but I'm sure it will calm down when all the visitors leave. It was a poodle mix of some kind. 

Haley was able to help a family be baptized. A family being baptized into the church is such a special thing. I was never able to experience that on my mission. She is truly blessed and it blesses us to learn about it. 


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