Sunday, May 13, 2018

Get Your Bearings

Happy Mother's Day!
The photo above features my Mom and most of her grandchildren. The two youngest of Neal's family were not here yet. Quite a legacy of good kids.

While riding home from my Globe ride, I began hearing a tock, tock, and sometimes a clunk while decelerating. I checked all over the bike and couldn't figure it out. It felt like it was in the gear box. I got on the forums and started reading a long thread by someone with similar symptoms. Finally at the bottom of the thread was the answer. The service department determined it was his rear wheel bearings. I put my bike on the centerstand and turned the rear wheel. It let out a loud squeak. I removed the wheel and put my finger on the inner race and turned...yep, bearings are toast! The spacer bushings also had groves worn in them. Now the wheel is in the shop awaiting parts.

Erik and Krystal sent a puppy update photo.

I took Felicia to a restaurant that never disappoints for the day before Mother's Day. The place used to be called "The Lone Star Steakhouse" and had Texas emblems everywhere. It is now called "Barnfire Mesquite Grill" but it is the same place with the same Texas emblems everywhere and the same buckets of peanuts.

I am getting ready for the Father-Son camp out and am in charge of the water balloon fight. I found these neat water balloons that you can inflate in groups of 35. There are rubber bands that seal the balloons imediately when you pull them off the filler. Neat trick.
We got to talk to Haley (Sister Reese) on the computer. As usual, there were technical difficulties. We first tried Facebook video messenger. Haley didn't hear us but we heard her. We finally got connected over Felicia's phone. She just had a baptism and this was her first week with a new companion..


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