Sunday, April 8, 2018

A Wrinkle of the Brow

Felicia and I went to see the movie "A Wrinkle in Time". I had heard this was a great children's book and Felicia had really enjoyed it. Clearly the book must have explained things that were lost in translation in the movie. I was mostly following and enjoying the story up until they kids are transported into the other dimension via some means that I missed entirely. At that point I was mostly bewildered. Bewildered by seemingly random CGI effects, Opra Winfrey's eyebrows, and the silly dialog spewing from the 8-yr-old. I tried to find something in the movie to latch on to, a believable scientific theory or some deep spiritual meaning. I didn't get it but Felicia liked it.

Our pool pump motor bearings died this week...again! It was less than a year ago that we got the new motor from Leslie's but I was so frustrated with teenage technician and the two weeks and multiple visits it took the to do the repair, I decided I would get a technician who does this regularly. He said that if I removed it and left it on my porch, he would charge $220 otherwise $400.

I took a picture of the surprisingly complicated wiring...
 ...and put the pump on the porch for him to pick up.
Eric and Krystal received word that the puppy they were buying was born this week. I hope they don't end up regretting this step.

Gordon and Alison returned home from visiting Houston. While there, they had some family photos taken in a bluebonnet patch that turned out really nice.


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