Sunday, February 11, 2018

Tommy Sick

I came home from seeing Mom. Van and Neal met up with me. She was pretty tired when we left and had experienced some anxiety. I talked to her a few days later though and she was fine and enjoying the Olympics.

When I drove through Southern Utah, I pulled off the road at the place we finished the AZBDR and took some pictures. This is not far from the entrance to the trail to see "The Wave" near Buckskin Gulch and the Paria River.

Photo from House Rock Valley Rd

On Friday night we got a message from Gordon that Tommy was sick and in the hospital. He had a respiratory virus and needed help keeping his lungs clear. The said it wasn't the flu but something unknown. They suctioned his lungs and gave him steroids.

He doesn't like it when they suction him but he is happy with the result when it is finished.
Happy Tommy in the hospital
He likes it after the suctioning is done
John came to visit
I was washing my bike after a ride Sat (2/10/18) morning and I wanted it on the center stand. Apparently I was too close to the edge of the sidewalk so when I put the stand up one of the legs was off the edge and the bike fell into the Oleander bush. A branch poked through the seat. I had to get Felicia to help me pick it up.

I started my annual Lantana trimming exercise on Saturday. More to do in the weeks ahead.


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