Sunday, November 26, 2017


We had Eric and Krystal at Grandma James' house for Thanksgiving. They are doing well and waiting to find out where/if Eric is accepted to grad school. Katy came down from the DFW area. We missed Haley but know she is doing what the Lord wants her to do. We also had Kevin and Tammy. Susan went up to Colorado. Kevin was going to go but was still recovering from a bad cold.
Thanksgiving 2017 in San Antonio

Gordon and Alison's family was in an accident when a lady pulled out in front of them. They are bruised but are OK. Johnny and Tommy benefitted from their child seats. It was the other lady's fault but she was significantly injured.
Accident in Houston
We went hiking with Eric and Krystal at Camp Bullis park.

Hilltop view with Eric and Krystal

Mission Memories:
It was around the time of my first Thanksgiving on my mission (1977) that we met two Jehovah's Witness sisters in St Gallen. These were two sisters living together. We tracted them out and they wanted to hear our message. When you walk into a Jehovah's Witness house, you pick up right away what their religion is because of the cheaply-bound colored books lying around. Surprisingly, these ladies did not start drilling us right away. They listened to our message about the Book of Mormon and agreed to buy one and read it. The next time we met with them we discussed prophets. We asked them if they had read in the BoM and they said they had a little. We asked them if they had prayed they said they had not prayed about the BoM because they didn't think it was true. We challenged them to read and pray and made another appointment.

On our next appointment, we discussed the Plan of Salvation...this is when the JWness started to become obvious. We then showed the filmstrip, "Man's Search for Happiness". We could feel the spirit during the filmstrip, especially at the end when the Grandpa dies and meets his wife in the spirit world. They then told us that they had this weird and intense feeling during the filmstrip. We told them it was the Holy Ghost testifying of the truth being presented. They said that they, as JW's, do not believe in being swayed by feelings because feelings can deceive. The only source of truth for them was intense study of the Bible. They told us that what they felt during the filmstrip scared them and that we should not come back. That is when we realized how difficult it is to make progress with JW's. As long as they deny the spirit, there is little progress to be made. We dropped some cookies by their place at Christmas time and they sent us a nice thank you note, even though they don't believe in celebrating Christmas.


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