Sunday, October 29, 2017

Shower Doors

Our Ward had a Trunk or Treat Party on Wednesday.  Felicia put together the Star Wars / Rogue One theme for the trunk of Haley's car.
Jyn Erso


The shower doors in our master bathroom have been looking bad for a long time. There were many layers of water-deposit buildup on the doors and the clear plastic bumper parts had yellowed and there were crevasses where mold had formed but we couldn't get to with cleaner. I had looked into trying to replace the doors before but it seemed the do-it-yourself kits were not the right size for our exact opening. Finally, I decided to take measurements and go talk to the guy at home depot and see what it would take to order what I needed. To my surprise, nothing needed to be ordered. The kits they had in stock would fit. All that was needed was a hacksaw to cut the width of the bottom and top frames.

Friday afternoon Felicia and I took the truck to Home Depot and purchased all the kit parts. Saturday morning I helped Wayne (now Linda) move out of his house. His wife is coming back from Argentina and they have decided to separate. Saturday afternoon I took the old doors off....
Lots of Cleaning Required After Removing the Old Doors
...and out on the new frame and doors. It was surprisingly easy. Felicia said we should have done it years earlier. The hardest part was cleaning and prepping after taking the old doors off.

New Shower Doors with Rain Texturing
Mission Memories:
A few days after the sock and laundry incident, Elder Green was transferred out and I received Elder Nguyen. When Elder Green and I saw the name of the Elder coming to be my new companion, we both couldn't figure out the origins of the name. We decided he must be Dutch. We were wrong.
Elder Nguyen in the middle, Reese on the Right
Elder Nguyen was Vietnamese. He had come to Switzerland to study and while in Switzerland the US pulled out of the Vietnam War. The South Vietnam was immediately overrun and his family was sent to camps (they were viewed as being too intelligent [wore glasses], therefore dangerous). He was unable to return. He met the missionaries in Switzerland and was baptized.

When Elder Nguyen stepped off the train I was thinking they had sent me a 16 year old. Turns out he was 26 and had graduated from Engineering School and was working when he decided to serve a mission. Both of us were only 3 months out in the field and neither one of us spoke German very well. Fortunately, he was fluent in English and also French. The French part came in handy because the lady with the laundry problem was from French-speaking Switzerland. He was able to talk her back from hysteria and we were able to teach her a missionary discussion and giver her a Book of Mormon. After that we were able to negotiate a fair price to pay for ruining her wash and things calmed down for a few weeks at the house. A little bit of nice, plus the spirit and respect, go a long way.

Elder Nguyen was a great person and friend. The Vietnam War accomplished something significant if it only saved him.


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