Sunday, August 13, 2017


It's been a few weeks since I last posted so I need to catch up. Today was the dedication of the Tucson Temple. Felicia and I were able to attend the first dedication session in the Temple. We were in the room next door to the Celestial Room where Pres. Uchtdorf pronounced the dedicatory prayer. It was a great day. We waited a long time for this. Felicia got some specially embroidered handkerchiefs for the occasion
But let me go back 2 weeks to catch up on occurrences. Aug 3rd was Felicia's Birthday (57). We celebrated with instant pot, jewelry, and bundt cakes.

The next day I drove to Utah for my Mom's 89th birthday and to see Janet in the hospital .On the way up I stopped to walk to the Toadstool formations.
The largest Toadstool

Interesting rock

Another view of large Toadstool

Group of smaller Toadstools

Wider view

Seems like this formation will fall apart at any time
I stayed with Terry. Stephanie and Austin are living downstairs while he arranges the next phase of his medical schooling. Everyone is still sorting out everything that Janet was taking care of. Among other things, Janet was in charge of obtaining and providing medications for my mom. She also paid bills and knew where the paper towels were stored.

Terry related the details of the accident and the status of Janet's recovery. She is still in a coma and may be for months.

Janet had reserved the clubhouse at Oak Meadows for Mom's party. Haley and I provided the birthday cake and KFC for the party.
The Party Meal

Got 'em out in one blow
Mom received a new Triple Combination
Great Grandkids from Utah.
The big ones are Kate, Emmy, and Lizzy. The little ones are Ben and Andrew.

The Family Assembles for a Picture (Colby took the official one)
All the siblings went to see Janet after the party. Haley also went. I am glad I wasn't there earlier. Kris said she had to turn away when she went to visit. She said her face was unrecognizable with all the swelling. She now looks pretty good with the exception of some scars. Everyone is exercising faith with prayer that she will recover.

Haley and I decided to go see the Provo City Center Temple after the hospital. We parked and were walking to the Temple when we saw a family running dressed in BYU clothing. It just happened that a BYU 50 drop was announced right where we were. We ran to the Nuskin building and Haley got to do an egg hunt for prizes. We were the 15th group to arrive.

Looking for the special egg

We didn't get one of the special prizes but Haley got candy and a Y sticker.

Here are temple photos.

I returned home through Monument Valley.
Wilson Arch

Monticello Temple

Combination Truck Stop and Bowling Alley in Monticello

Truck Stop and Bowling Alley

Valley of the Gods entrance sign

Seven Sailors Mesa

Monument Valley

More MV

Outside of Tuba City
Last but not least, Haley's mission call came on August 10th.
Nevada Las Vegas West
I am excited because when we pick her up, we can tour Death Valley. She reports Sep 20th to the MTC. Much to do between now and then.


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