Sunday, June 25, 2017

Kevin Visit in Hot 2017

Felicia's brother, Kevin, came to visit on the hottest days I've experienced in Tucson since we arrived in 1999. He went to see the Tucson Temple Open House with Felicia.  While here we did a few other things.

We escaped to Bisbee where temperatures were cooler and went on the Queen Mine tour.

We all thought the mine tour was fun and informative.
Some college girls asked Kevin to take a picture by the Copper Man in the street
We took a quick run to the border at Naco for a picture of the wall.

We stopped by Tombstone briefly for some pictures and ice cream. It was 112 degrees.

The next day we visited the Titan Missile Museum. That facility is still in great shape and very well preserved. I was really Impressed with the engineering involved.
Titan Missile Control Room
Walking to the silo
Titan Missile
Nearing the blast doors
View of the missile from the blast doors
Security is coming
Felicia and Kevin


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