Sunday, December 3, 2017

Old at Christmas

In her Thanksgiving letter home, Haley reported she had been ill with a 24 hr upset stomach. Her companion had to trade off with some other sisters in order to go to an appointment they had. She says she is better now and I think she is doing well on her mission.

I noticed yesterday that Kirby's (our oldest dog) senses are failing him. It used to be that we could throw him a treat and he would snatch it out of the air every time. Now we throw him something and it hits him in the head. When we call him now, he seems to look the other way and doesn't know where sounds are coming from.

Kirby getting old
I travelled back to Dallas again for work. We generally stay in Addison because the per diem allowance matches our expenses better. There is a park near our hotel that I exercise at. They were decorated for Christmas there.
Addison Circle Park, Addison, TX
We had our Ward Christmas Party with the night in Bethlehem theme. Felicia suggested I wear the Caesar costume that Eric wore one Halloween. I did but I was one of the very few dressed as anything.

Caesar Bryanus 

All you need is a head scarf
 The children acted out the nativity. I am still surprised about how few of the primary children I know now days.
Ward Christmas Party 2017
Mission Memories:
The St. Gallen Ward was building its own chapel. Digging trenches for plumbing and wiring was a task the ward members were asked to do. We, as missionaries, were able to help with that part of the construction until the authorities caught us. We had no idea that we were being watched by officials but the next day after we helped with trenches, we were told by the Bishop that he was contacted by someone in the government and told that the missionaries were not allowed to help. Switzerland has strict labor infringement laws. They do not like foreigners taking jobs away from Swiss citizens and we were allowed into the country on the basis that we would not displace Swiss labor, even volunteer Swiss labor.

The first meeting we had in the new building was the St Gallen Ward Christmas Party. I have attached below the cover of the program. There was a young couple, Edwin and Roswitha Koch, baptized and married not long before I arrived. They played Joseph and Mary as the passages from Lukus (Luke) 2 were read in German. I remember feeling so good as I watched Roswitha cradle the imaginary baby in her arms. All homesickness vanished as the realization sunk in that the Savior was born for everyone no matter where you live.


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