Sunday, March 4, 2018

Music City and Airplanes and Waiting

I flew to Nashville on Feb 27 - Mar 1 because we were having a design review at one of our suppliers located 1 hour outside of Nashville. It rained most of the time we were there. On one night we drove into town to have dinner. Most bars and restaurants downtown had live music performers and they piped the sound out to the street in front of their place. Below are a few pictures of the streets.

Looking across the street to Margaritaville (Jimmy Buffet's place)

The Honky Tonk Bar and Grill across at the corner

Merchants Restaurant where we ate

While I was in Tennessee we received word from Krystal that Eric had been officially placed on the wait list for PA school in Mississippi. One of Gordon's friends had been on the waitlist for UofA Medical School and got in so we are hoping and praying for the same with Eric.

Felicia and I had been invited to a client appreciation event held by Kinghorn Heritage Law Firm that put our trust together and asset protection plan. The event featured dinner and a tour at the Pima Air and Space Museum. We enjoyed looking at the planes.

B-36 Peacemaker: The 1st long range nuclear strategic bomber

B-36 Pecemaker: Had 3 reverse turboprop engines on each wing with twin jet engines hanging from the outer part of the wing

B-36: The first plane of the Strategic Air Command and was the weapon the started the cold war with the USSR

T-38: KB trained in one of these

Petulant Porpoise Search and Rescue Sea Plane

The Mikesells were there also so we were able to sit with them at dinner. There were probably 200 people there.

SR-71 and Drone

Space Shuttle Booster: I worked on this while at Thiokol

Mission Memories
The first day Elder Pyper and I were in Olten, we had an appointment that the previous Elders we replaced had set up with two sisters living on the other side of the river. We rode our bikes over and introduced ourselves and started trying to teach the lesson on the Plan of Salvation. They had a bunch of silly questions and I began thinking that they were having us over as entertainment and weren't serious at all.  I was surprised that they agreed to have us come back for another appointment. We went over the next week and it was more of the same with silly questions like, "Cain killed Able and then Cain left and married someone. How could that be if there was only Cain and Adam and Eve left?"

Well, they agreed to let us come back again. Before our next appointment, I told Elder Pyper that I thought we needed to challenge them to listen and seriously read the Book of Mormon and ask if it was true and if it was true, be baptized into the church. We did that and one of the sisters said she thought it was silly and she didn't want to do this anymore, but the other one said that she would be willing to begin reading and praying. Meetings with her (Frau Knoepfli) went way better after that.


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