Sunday, February 18, 2018


Quick update this week:

Eric and Krystal went to Clinton, Mississippi so Eric could interview with the Physician's Assistant program at Mississippi College.  This is a private Christian college near Jackson, Mississippi and Eric liked what they had to say. They have a code of conduct and dress and they said that they want their students to help each other out and work in study groups. They will not know the results of the interview for another 3 weeks. We are praying.

Mississippi College
Haley was transferred this week to serve in the Grand Teton Ward of Las Vegas. I don't get the name since the National Park is 1000 miles away. Her new companion is Sister Camarillo from Seattle. We are waiting to hear more about her. They had to open a brand new apartment and had to assemble the furniture.
Goodbye Sis Lyman
Tommy seems to be feeling better this week.
Tommy with Aunt and Cousin

John put on his socks for the first time by himself
Felicia and I rented a pretty good movie this week called Wonder. I recommend it as way to learn to look at things from others perspectives in order to understand them and not judge unrighteously.
Russ and I got together again for a ride out to Tiger Mine Road.


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