Sunday, March 25, 2018

Bottle Brush

This week we planted a bottlebrush bush where one of the trees used to be on the side of the house. I also repaired a leak in the drip system.

Felicia took Haley's car down to the church and parked for 1 hr and the battery was dead. This is the 3rd time we have had a dead battery on it so I am going to take it in for a battery replacement. I did charge it overnight and the charger says it is currently at full charge.
We attended the Messiah Sing-along with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir down at our Stake Center. There were only 30 people there, I am guessing. I think I was the only bass other than the choir. I whish they'd have turned the volume up so I could have felt more immersed in the choir instead of feeling like the only person singing my part.
Aunt Skip celebrated her 90th birthday yesterday. They had a party but we couldn’t go so we sent flowers. In Sunday School last week a person proposed that it was a choice not to get married and it might be a sin. Someone else brought up Sheri Dew and the first person said Sister Dew obviously put her career as a priority over marriage. This struck most in the class as being judgmental. The teacher of the class, Bro. Stout, then said that he knew a lady in his old ward in Ogden named Skip Reese who was as fine a member of the church as any he had ever met. Felicia then said “That is Bryan’s Aunt!” We talked afterwards about her.  

Mission Memories:

We were able to get Frau Knoepfli in Olten to quit smoking and come to church and become fully prepared for the getting baptized. The only thing she struggled with was her daughters had a hard time sitting still during Sacrament Meeting. We brought a Sister from the Ward to fellowship her. She was good because she joined the church without her husband joining, also. I mentioned in a earlier post that she and her husband were not getting along. Nonetheless, her husband agreed to sign permission for baptism and we were able to accompany her to the stake center in Zolikofen, near the Temple, where Elder Pyper performed the baptism and I confirmed and bestowed the Holy Ghost. Sister Knoepfli was so happy and we were so happy to see her change her life and come into the fold. Unfortunately, that was not the end of struggles for her.

Sister Knoepfli on Baptism Day


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