Sunday, April 22, 2018

Rolled Ice Cream

 Felicia and I went to get rolled ice cream at the new shop in Tucson. It takes a long time to make it. So long that they give you long board games to play while you wait. 

There were three cold plates at the counter where they pour liquid ice cream mix and then start stirring and chopping while mixing in fruit or candy ingredients until it all freezes. This mixing and freezing takes quite awhile.

Then they flatten out the ice cream and cut it in strips and roll it up and stuff it into the serving bowl, which all is rather tricky to do.
Anyway, It is fun for a little change but the ice cream is not that great of quality. You pay for all the labor that goes into the process.

Krystal graduated at BYU-I this past week demonstrating commitment and a lot of hard work leads to success. Quite an accomplishment.

Felicia is getting ready to fly to San Antonio to see her Mom and Eric and Krystal.

Gordon and Alison and the boys are doing well. We saw the firs glimpse of Tommy's new teeth.

Things are going well here. We were able to get our pool pump repaired. Felicia is trying to arrange for new flooring to get installed in the living room. I had some mystery illness last week that we couldn't figure out. Maybe it was Valley Fever. I got a chest x-ray and blood tests, but so far, I am normal. I am now feeling better so it doesn't matter what it was.

Terry reported all the things he is doing to bring Janet home. He is having an elevator installed, he got a wheelchair accessible van , and the shower was remodeled for accessibility. We keep praying for Janet to become aware.


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