Sunday, May 20, 2018

Father - No Son Camping

Our elder's quorum was assigned the games at the Father-Son campout and I was assigned to see that the games came off. This meant that I had to go camping on the father-son campout that I normally would have skipped since all my sons are grown.

I got Bro. Williams and Bro. Erickson to help inflate water balloons and haul them up the mountain. Each of us did 100. I had 2 or 3 pop during the filling process. I put about 65 in my cooler and another 30ish in a plastic storage container. The ones in the cooler fit tight. The ones in the storage container weren't so tightly packed. I put them in the truck and drove up the mountain. By the time I arrived, all the cooler balloons survived but only about 10 of the storage container balloons were still intact.

I chose a camping platform near the basketball court. When it started getting dark, I realized this was a bad idea. Luckily the lights went off at 11PM and the noise of the game stopped.
View from Tent: Basketball court lights were on and kids playing until 11PM
The sun was up at about 4:30 AM. Here is my tent (the middle).
My camp is in the middle
Here are a few more photos:
Brockhausen hammock camp

Campers near Volleyball court
When breakfast was over, We got the water balloons and started with what was meant to be a water balloon toss game, but after a few minutes it devolved into an all-out water balloon fight.

Within 5 minutes, all the water balloons were gone. The final game was to see who could bring me the most water balloon pieces for a special treat. Ten minutes later the camp was clean.


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