Sunday, May 27, 2018

The Boys Arrive

Eric and Gordon came to visit for memorial day. Eric came in on an evening flight from San Antonio that was supposed to have one stop in Houston. This was a United flight. Well the plane had a problem with the door delaying the flight from San Antonio so he missed the connecting flight to Tucson. They had to switch him to go on American to Phoenix and then to Tucson. He was supposed to arrive at 7:30PM Friday night originally but the new situation resulted in him arriving at midnight with no luggage. The luggage only made it to Phoenix.

We didn't get to bed until 2AM and had to get up at 5:30AM to get ready and drive down to the train station to pick up Gordon and John arriving from LA. I made it at 7:30AM and watched the Amtrak train come rolling up to the station on time but it didn't stop. It just kept going. I was wondering if there was a different station I was supposed to wait at. I asked at the counter and was told that a parallel track was broken and a freight train was coming so the Amtrak train had to go down the line far enough to get switched off the track to let the freight train by and then it would back up to the station. After 20 minutes the freight train came and 20 minutes after that the Amtrak train backed into the station and Gordon and John got off about 8:30. Luckily I didn't get a ticket for being too long at the parking meter even though it had expired by the time we made it to the truck.

Eric and Gordon
John and I went swimming that day.

John likes playing with the monster trucks.


At May 28, 2018 at 8:23 PM , Blogger f reese said...

Eric and Gordon came for a early birthday visit for Bryan's birthday in a week. Only time they could make it with work and other responsibilities.


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