Sunday, July 22, 2018


This was the week of the colonoscopy. I had to eat bland food for two days, then only clear liquids for a day, then drink this nasty colon cleaning fluid that made it so I couldn't sleep well the night before.

The good news is that no issues were found and I won't have to do it for another 10 years.

That evening, Felicia and I went to a missionary activity being held at our Ward Mission Leader's house. The Sister Missionaries were there, Sister Harp and Sister Curtis, some former members, some new members, some investigators, and the Bishop and his wife, and us. We played Gospel Jeopardy. It was pretty tight competition. Felicia and I were split up and made team captains. My team eked out the victory because we had a young lady on our side who was able to provide the answer, "Who was Peleg?"


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