Sunday, October 14, 2018

Grandma James

Grandma James passed away on Sep 27, 2018. We traveled to San Antonio for the funeral. It was sad to think of not having her around as the anchor in our family activities. Much of the family made it. The only 2 grandchildren who weren't there were the ones on missions, Haley and Dallin.
Wonderful Lady Passes On

Here are some photos from the week.
We stayed with Eric and Krystal and got together with Kevin, KB&Kim, and Tammy at Red Robin
Gordon asked us to get clothes for the kids
When all gathered at Grandma's House, Eric entertained the great grandkids

Koda added to the chaos

Koda with Pat
A visit to Walmart
We honored the memory of the Matriarch of the James Family

Eric and Krystal
The Siblings




Gordon and Alison and family

John can put his shoes on

Tommy walks 

Koda locked up

John's Trick

Aunt Krystal hug

Uncle Eric hug


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