Sunday, September 2, 2018

Rise and Shout

I came home from work one day this week and saw the sun shining on the mountain and had to take a photo.
Pusche Peak View from Front Porch
Earlier this week was the mayoral election. Bro Winfield ran for Mayor of Oro Valley and won.  People were fed up with the existing mayor and council for buying a golf course and then raising our taxes to pay for its upkeep. The current mayor generally seemed to ignore anything citizens and town committees were recommending and he did what he wanted, rezoning many areas for developers who had contributed to his campaign. Felicia worked as a poll worker on election day.

This was game week, U of A vs. BYU. The Thurbers had a party at their house on Friday night and they invited U of A and BYU fans over. We got to see a number of people we hadn't seen for a while because they are in the other ward. It was fun getting together. Several folks asked about our kids.

The next afternoon was Jacob Winfield's wedding. They scheduled it early so folks could go to the game. We saw Hillary there. Her husband works for Polaris in Minnesota. They have a Razer that they play on. She asked about Gordon and what he was doing. Then she asked about Eric and Haley.

We saw Russell Winfield. He now lives in Lehi, UT. He asked about Eric. Russell also asked if I still ride a motorcycle. Turns out he has taken up riding off road.

That evening was the game. We went down to the BYU tailgate party at the institute building. The BYU Creamery truck was there selling ice cream but the line was too long. We had just eaten at Whataburger before that so we weren't hungry anyway.

Tailgate Party before BYU vs Uof A

We bought water from Sis Pickard and made our way to the stadium. This is who we sat by:
Special Fans

I was worried about it, but our seats turned out to give a decent view of the field.

Tanner Mangum Warms Up

Pride of Arizona

BYU won 28 to 23 so that made it enjoyable. The new offensive coordinator had a lot more misdirection plays and moving pocket plays. Obviously that worked well.


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