Sunday, August 5, 2018

58 and counting

It was Felicia's 58th birthday this week. She received a new ipad tablet and an Alexa thing from Gordon. She also says she wants a bike but she doesn't want to waste a birthday on it, so I can't tell if she really wants a bike.

Birthday Bundtlet
I am counting the days to the next big motorcycle adventure, 33 days to UT BDR. I changed my rear tire Saturday to be ready.
New and Old
We attended the Busby's engagement party Saturday night held at the Bailey's house. Two of their kids, Ryan and Anika, are engaged simultaneously. It was a fun get-together. We got to learn more about the Shalines and the Williams and the Roths at our table.

Haley is doing well on her mission in Las Vegas. She had another baptism this week. Gordon and Alison got back from Houston and discovered John needed a tooth crowned. Eric and Krystal are enjoying their rambunctious dog.
Make silly faces!


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