Sunday, December 9, 2018

Getting Ready for Christmas

We finally got around to decorating this week. I have been struggling to get the Santa Claus to inflate reliably. Some of the lights on our tree have stopped working so I think we will need a new one next year. We've had the same tree for many years. 
Tree nearing End of Life

We've had a lot of rain and we noticed a leak in the front porch area of the house. The rain also has caused problems for Kirby. He wants to pee on the back porch when it rains. Felicia got tired of cleaning off the back porch so she had me get some stepping stones to get Kirby to leave the porch when he pees (he can't walk on river rock anymore).

We got a Roomba for a reward for 35 years at Raytheon. This caused Christie so much stress she peed in the living Room.


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