Sunday, August 19, 2018

Rock House and Magic

This Friday was pretty busy. Russ wanted to go on a preparation ride as we were getting ready for the Utah Back Country Discovery Route, then I had an appointment for an eye exam, then it was the Elder's Quorum temple session at 4PM. 

I got up at 4:30AM to ride with Russ. We went out to the old Rock House. The desert was very green because of the rain. I cleaned up, sprayed weeds, cleaned the pool filter, had lunch, then went to my eye exam.

I told the receptionist that I only had 40 minutes for the exam because I had an appointment somewhere else. I could have told her I was trying to make a particular temple session because she was a member, but I didn't. I was hesitant to say that because she was invited to be at that same session and I didn't want to make her feel bad. The technician saw me right away but I waited half an hour for the doctor. 

When Felicia and I got to the Temple, we had 5 minutes to dress. We made it just in time for the session, but no one else from our ward was there. There were a total of 4 couples in the session; Brad and Tammy Whitaker, Gary Hainsworth and his wife, us, and another couple we didn't know. I guess we'll need to figure something else out for next quarter to get better attendance.

I had given two family names to a young man in the ward to do baptisms. He did it and we were able to pick those cards up while we were there.

Saturday I replaced some worn out window screens and we went to the annual magic show down town. It was put on by the Tucson chapter of the magician's club. It was funny to see the people not very polished do their tricks. The magicians got progressively better throughout the show. The last guy was pretty professional.

We went to the downtown El Charro for dinner after the show.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Mom is 90!

My mom turned 90 yrs old this weekend. Felicia and I flew up to attend a dinner get-together we scheduled at Maddox in Brigham City. Gordon flew in to meet us late the night before. Felicia and I went to Temple Square and the Genealogy library before picking up Gordon at the airport.
The Garden Restaurant

Out the window at The Garden

Sunset in the Haze of the Forest Fires outside Genealogy Library

The day of the dinner, Gordon and I spent time in the Genealogy Library in the morning. I was impressed at what they had access to and the expertise they had. We were able to rapidly find the Arbter records from Czech Republic. I corrected one date in our records based on the info but ran out of time before we could get more. At least I now know how to search those records now.

8% Italian

4% Czech

Felicia at Delicate Arch (sort of)

 We invited family and friends to attend the dinner at Maddox. We, the siblings, paid for it. It was nice to see everyone again. Terry was able to bring Janet.
Janet made it (End of Table)

First time I met Celine (Tanner's Wife)

Skip and Brenda mad it (and Terry and Janet's kids)

Birthday Girl
90 Candles lit on Banana Cake. 
Alison and the boys had to stay in California so she could get ready for the school start. Eric and Krystal had to work and get their dog, Koda, neutered (he survived). Haley was on her mission in Las Vegas.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

58 and counting

It was Felicia's 58th birthday this week. She received a new ipad tablet and an Alexa thing from Gordon. She also says she wants a bike but she doesn't want to waste a birthday on it, so I can't tell if she really wants a bike.

Birthday Bundtlet
I am counting the days to the next big motorcycle adventure, 33 days to UT BDR. I changed my rear tire Saturday to be ready.
New and Old
We attended the Busby's engagement party Saturday night held at the Bailey's house. Two of their kids, Ryan and Anika, are engaged simultaneously. It was a fun get-together. We got to learn more about the Shalines and the Williams and the Roths at our table.

Haley is doing well on her mission in Las Vegas. She had another baptism this week. Gordon and Alison got back from Houston and discovered John needed a tooth crowned. Eric and Krystal are enjoying their rambunctious dog.
Make silly faces!