Sunday, March 20, 2022

John's Baptism in Feb

 Here is a quick update on the family goings on. 

In early February, Felicia and I went to Glendora, CA for John's baptism. We thought it was a wonderful experience. I guess the water in the font was cold. When someone from the Primary asked John the next day how it was, he said, "It was as horrible as I thought it would be". Well, he survived and seemed to be contemplating his covenants during sacrament meeting the next day. As the picture shows, the baptism was unique. Not many people have been baptized during a pandemic. It was good to be out visiting again.

Noah's Ark Kit

Baptism Day

Tommy at the Fire Truck Playground

Felicia and I caught colds while in California (tested negative for COVID). That gave allowed me to stay home from work and plant the lemon tree I promised Felicia for Valentine's day. 
Felicia went to visit Haley in Georgia while I directed final testing of the missile upgrade I have been working on. By all accounts, Felicia and Haley had fun. I know they went to a waterfall and to the Atlanta Aquarium. As for my testing, the government witness said it was the smoothest, best executed test he has witnessed. I had a very talented team who, after resolving some disagreements, worked very well together in the end.

We have been studying Joseph in Egypt. It is impressive how he forgave his brothers for the great wrong they had done him and ended up saving them. This is a way that Joseph is a type of Christ.


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