Sunday, October 10, 2021

Aug 2021 - Never to be Forgotten


We had a very eventful week starting Aug 6. We had contracted to have a house built last Oct. It was finally ready to be moved into the first week in Aug which happened to coincide with the week my daughter needed to move to GA to start school. It also happened to be the week my 2nd son, Eric, was scheduled for life-saving surgery at the UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. Eric has a genetic blood condition that causes his blood to clot and not dissolve easily. He had been hospitalized twice before with pulmonary embolism (clots filling his pulmonary arteries). It turned out that some of the clots had been in the lungs so long they had turned into scar tissue causing high blood pressure between his heart and lungs. At 33 he was beginning to suffer congestive heart failure. Through a tremendous tender mercy, Eric and his wife had moved to the Dallas area just weeks before his diagnosis, and UT Southwestern Medical Center is one of 3 places in the US skilled at being able to remove this scar tissue. The surgery involved placing him on a heart-lung machine while the surgeon removed the scar tissue from the pulmonary arteries. We are blessed that the surgery was a success and he is on the road to, what we pray will be, a full recovery. From this experience, I can testify that those who wonder, “Why me, Lord”, can, with the eye of faith, come to understand why and be strengthened through that understanding.

First was the move. We packed everything in the old house and the movers came to get most things out. Felicia had to leave to be with Eric before the old house was completely empty and cleaned so I spent the last day working on that.

Old House Cleaned and Emptied
I moved the last of the stuff to the new house. We had a lot of trouble getting the gas switched over but, after waiting on hold for 2 hrs, I was able to get it done.
New House on Alamo Spring Lp

The Dog Getting used to New House

Tail on Bull Art broke

Meanwhile in Dallas, Eric was checked into the hospital. His health had really deteriorated by the time he was admitted for surgery to correct Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH).

If his legs look large, it's 'cause they are. Swollen

The surgery went well and we are grateful. His first 2 days after were comatose.
Krystal with Eric

Felicia with Eric Immediately After Surgery

Recovery had some difficult times

This came out of his pulmonary arteries

After two weeks he was ready to go home

UT Southwestern Hospital

Hospital where Eric's life was saved

While all of this was going on, Gordon was helping Haley drive to University of Georgia to make her orientation day.
Haley and Charlie in GA

Apartment Back Door - Hippie Roomates

Meanwhile, I had left Tucson for Georgia to haul the rest of Haley's stuff. I would meet Kevin in Dallas and he would help me drive to Athens, GA. I stopped at Wild Dogs in Benson for lunch on the first driving day.
Lunch in Benson

When Kevin and I left Dallas, we stopped by our old house in Mesquite.
Mesquite House (Kid's first house)

Bucc-ees was a favorite on the trip

Kevin looking for lunch

We made it to UGA


Football Stadium

The Ngs and Adrian and big dog

Sorority Girls

Haley on first Sunday at Institute Bldg

We delivered Haley's stuff and helped with some furniture purchases then left for Dallas. We visited Stone Mountain on our way home.
Stone Mountain, GA

Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson

Next was Vicksburg, MS battlefield.
Canon Ammunition

Pemberton and Grant face off

Vicksburg defensive posiiton

Park Entrance

Kevin touring Vicksburg

Blue is Union position, Red in distance is Rebel position

Army of Illinois memorial

Seal of Illinois

Site of surrender talks

Mississippi River from Rebel Position

USS Cairo sunk in battle for Vicksburg

USS Cairo

Bryan and Kevin

Last of its kind

Battlefiel Cemetery

Vicksburg Courthouse

Largest Hotel Room

Stopping to Smell the Roses. Tyler, TX

Tyler Rose Garden

Hurray for Organ Donors

Back to the Hospital

We were back at the hospital to see Eric just before his release, then Felicia and I drove home to start unpacking from our move. An extremely eventful two weeks but Eric is recovering well and Haley is settled at school.


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