Sunday, January 31, 2021

Day 1 - Biden Disaster Unfolding

 Joe Biden has been president for a little more than one week and he has already put 10s of thousands of people out of work with the stroke of his pen (Keystone XL, Border Fence, Oil drilling ban). In the midst of economic turmoil caused by the pandemic and just as the economy is recovering, he puts the brakes on.

Signing away people's livelihood on Day 1

In a string of executive orders (called acts of tyranny by Dems during the previous administration), he reinstalled regulations that put a drag on the recovery and, as if small businesses weren't hurting enough, he raised the minimum wage to $15. This just makes it more and more difficult for entry level workers to get a job. In the first week of the Biden presidency, my retirement fund has lost $50K in value. I predict economic doldrums and an international relations quagmire under this administration. All of this while ordinary American's constitutional freedoms are curtailed.

COVID-19 Update

The latest wave of infection is beginning to subside here in AZ.

Studies are showing that temperature makes a big difference as to how long the virus lasts on surfaces. With the vaccine rollout and increasing temperatures, I expect to see a decline in infections. We should return to normal. Mutations of the virus are occurring. It will likely be around just like the flu, returning with annual surges. We should behave the same with it as with the flu, take precautions but don't let government halt commerce.


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