Sunday, October 25, 2020

Political Discord 2020

We had our Stake General Priesthood meeting today. President Broadbent mentioned that this election seemed more rancorous than any in previous memory. Of course there have been many bitter elections in the past, beginning with the first election after Washington declined to run again. 

The election of 1796 was between John Adams (a Federalist) and Thomas Jefferson (a Democrat-Republican). Although they had worked together to achieve independence and establish a new country, they had since become bitter enemies with different political philosophies, Adams favoring a strong central government capable of paying off it's war debts and defending itself while Jefferson favored a weak central government with most power distributed to the states. This election was extremely bitter with Adams accused of being an Anglophile and a Monarchist. Jefferson, on the other hand, was accused of being an atheist and immoral Francophile favoring the bloody French Revolution. The accusations against Jefferson were underscored when the French ambassador embarrassed the Republicans by publicly backing Jefferson and attacking the Federalists right before the election (foreign interference). This swung the election in Adams' favor.

John Adams

Thomas Jefferson

Despite the rancor, the 1796 results were accepted by the people without violence and our elections have been ever since.  President Broadbent reminded us that reasonable members of the church are on both sides of the political spectrum and can disagree. We should not harbor ill will with one another but instead be tolerant and work together to build the kingdom of God. As long as we can all stay grounded in gospel principles, we will never be irreconcilably separated in the primary goals of building the kingdom. We should stay prayerful and be comforted that God's purpose of gathering Israel this last time will continue to go forward and any political outcome is likely part of his greater plan that we may not presently understand.

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