Sunday, April 26, 2020

Petroglyphs Again

First an update on COVID in AZ. The total number of confirmed cases is up to 6,526. Antibody studies have shown that there are 50 - 100 times more peopl who have had it and not known it than the number that are confirmed. The number of confirmed cases is, therefore, a poor measure of what is actually happening because the more we test the more cases we will find.

I think we need to look to hospital data to get a seense of what is going on. This data indicates that hospitalizations for COVID 19 are dropping.
The director for the AZ Department of health Services states that models project "even with the mitigation strategies lifted, predict that our current resources, including inpatient beds, ICU beds, and ventilators, will meet a healthcare surge due to COVID-19. This model appears the most realistic and the predictions are reassuring."

I think we need to take reasonable precautions for the vulnerable and get our economy restarted. Early modely predictions of death rate were way overstated. The latest predictions indicate this virus to be about as deadly as the flu. We need to return to work. Small businesses are suffering and my daughter, Haley, has lost her job because of it.

Meanwhile, my motorcycle needs work on the fork seals and the shop is not open so I have had to resort to hiking to stay sane. Working from home can be tedious, spending all day on the phone and the computer and not getting to walk to meetings and interact. Haley and I and her dog, Charlie, hiked Honeyee canyon after work.

Haley in Honeybee Canyon

At the Honeybee petroglyphs

Charlie tries to remove burs
I spent some days after work hiking Linda Vista trail

The resting rock

Someone didn't know how to poop in the woods.

At the rock wall
Finally, I hiked the Baby Jesus Ridge Trail. This route include a pretty significant 4x4 trail plus a hike.

I interrupted this Patchnose snake chasing a lizard for his lunch


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