Sunday, January 19, 2020

Gathering Israel - Tucson

We just finished our Stake Conference. We had Elder Jay B. Jones, Area Authority Seventy visit. He is from Alan, TX. He was in the Allen 2nd Ward. I believe we were in the Allen 1st Ward. I don't remember him but anothre member of our current Ward, the Coronado Ward, grew up in Alan and Elder Jones was her bishop.

He mentioned taking one of his ministering families to Hutchins BBQ in McKinney. I am also a fan of that place and try to go whenever we visit the area.

Felicia and I were in the choir and sung Love Devine, All Loves Excelling

and Praise to the Man

Bro Hurst is Stake Choir Director.

During conference we heard about the great work of gathering scattered Israel. The Northern Kingdom of Israel and 10 tribes associated with it were scattered in about 722 BC after being concurred by the Asyrrian empire. These tribes were scattered among all nations. It is our important task in these latter days to gather Israel. President Nelson said it is the greatest work we can be doing.
The task involves missionary work and temple and family history work. The 10 scattered tribes are believed to be the tribes of Reuben, Simeon, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Manasseh, and Ephraim.

The two tribe remaining in the Southern Kingdom were primarily Judah and Benjamin, although there were a few remnants of other tribes who fled the Northern Kingdom when it became corrupted by idolatry. TheBook of Mormon tells us that Lehi (of Manasseh) and Ishmael (of Ephraim) were two families from other tribes that were living in the Southern Kingdom. As Lehi prophesied, the Southern Kingdom, or Kingdom of Judah, was later attacked and led away captive to Babylon (about 586 BC) but the emperor, Cyrus, eventually released some of the Jews to return so Christ could be born. The Romans sacked Jerusalem in about 70 AD.

It is left to us to now gather them all again into the covenant, as many as are willing.

I took  ride this weekend. It was extra muddy. I found more mud than I have ever found in on the trails of Redington Pass.
Many Puddles

Gooey Mess

I felt lucky to have ridden  through all the mud stretches in the San Pedro River Valley without falling.

In Dakar Rally news, an American, Rick Brabec, wins the motorcycle class for the first time ever!

Americans also one in the Side-by-Side class for another first ever.

Unfortunately Paulo Gonçalves lost his life on Stage 7.


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