Sunday, December 8, 2019

Light the World

For the last 3 years, I have been going on off-road Adventure Motorcycle week-long annual camping trips with Bro. Russ Pearson of the La Canada Ward and Rick Wightman, formerly of Catalina Ward. Last year we rode Utah South to North. On a particular day, we were riding dirt roads between Moab and Green River, UT through part of Utah’s badlands. The weather was hot and there were long sections of deep silty sand that were tiring and Russ’s bike had developed a fuel-air mixture problem so it wouldn’t idle and was using gas at a faster than normal rate.

We finally roll into Green River about 1 pm, hot, dusty, tired and hungry, with Russ’s bike running on fumes. We head for a combination Gas Station – Burger King. As we get near we see a car on the roadside with hood up and a cardboard sign…”Need Gas”.

I remember thinking, “If he’s got his hood up, he has bigger problems than needing gas and we’ve got problems of our own and probably can’t help.” We ride past and turn into the gas station and fill up. Then Rick and I pull forward to the Burger King and turn around to look for Russ. Then we see him going up to the car with the sign. Russ is there for a few minutes and then the couple at the car shake his hand, excitedly slam the hood down, jump in the car and pull up to the pump. The man thanked Russ multiple times while pumping the gas.

I was feeling really guilty at that point. Russ had shown us the right way to act. I committed then that Russ wouldn’t be the only one to help people in need on our rides.

This is the kind of thing that the Light the World campaign is about, simple acts of kindness to help people who may need a little boost.

From the Website:

LightTheWorld is an invitation to transform Christmas into a season of service. It’s a worldwide movement to touch hearts and change lives by doing the things Jesus did: feeding the hungry, comforting the lonely, visiting the sick and afflicted, and showing kindness to everyone.

Isaiah 9:6
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given…
John 1:
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made which was made.
4 In him was the gospel, and the gospel was the life, and the life was the light of men;
5 And the light shineth in the world, and the world perceiveth it not.
While the world as a whole may not perceive, there will be those in the world with sincere hearts who are ready to perceive.

As part of the Light the World Campaign, a new Nativity Story video was released by the Church which you may share with your friends. It uses the best information available to provide a more accurate portrayal of the events surrounding the birth of the Savior. There is improved accuracy in the language spoken and in the depiction of the kata’luma (Greek word meaning guest room or dining room) translated as inn in Luke 2. There is more accurate portrayal of the mix of ages of the shepherds, and a more accurate portrayal of the visit of the wise men. The film ends with a quote from Acts 10:38:
… Jesus of Nazareth … went about doing good… for God was with him
Theodore Roosevelt said it well: “No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.”

Jacob Hamblin exemplified how to employ that Teddy Roosevelt axiom. Jacob Hamblin was a leader of the Church’s mission to the Native Americans in Southern Utah, Southern Nevada, and Northern Arizona. Jacob Lake is named for him. John Wesley Powell used Hamblin as a negotiator to ensure the safety of his expedition on the Colorado River from local Indian groups. Hamblin was very successful among the Native Americans because he realized that the way to influence them was to help them. He moved his family to live among the Paiutes in the 1850s. He and his fellow missionaries taught them to build dams and irrigate. They supplied tools for tilling the ground and provided additional seeds for planting. They taught them to build cabins. The missionaries often healed the sick through the power of the priesthood. These kind of humanitarian efforts can be highly effective in bringing light to those in need of more light.

Another aspect of the Light the World campaign is the Giving Machines. If you happen to be going up to the Phoenix area for any reason, a Giving Machine is located at the base of the Gilbert water tower. Our family made an excursion up there for the Thanksgiving holiday. The Giving Machines provide a variety of things for the Church’s Humanitarian efforts that can be purchased to donate to those in need. You can donate to provide something as simple as hygiene kit items or a pair of sneakers or you can actually donate to provide important farm animals ranging from chickens to a piglet. There are missionaries there to help guide you as to how to work the machine. There was a joyful atmosphere around the machines and non-members were there as well as members.

Matt. 5:
14 Ye are the alight of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
16 Let your alight so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Individually we will not Light the World but by each of us individually doing good in our families and our communities, collectively we will succeed. If you can brighten the day of a single individual, you will be a success.


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