Sunday, December 8, 2019

GCBAR Day 7 Toroweap

GCBAR Day 7, Sep 19, 2019:
We slept rather fitfully during the night because of the constant wind. I opted to open up the window and door of my tent to let the wind blow through so the tent wouldn't be swaying back and forth as much. Below is a picture I took looking out of my tent door in the early morning.

The sun came up...

Our next destination is SB Point (as officially known...the GC backcountry office told me there is no such thing as SOB Point). The road into SB point was similar to Kanab Point with lots of tree dodging turns.

SB Point:

The next location was Toroweap Overlook. When we arrive at the Tuweep Ranger Station, the ranger lady warns us about rocks and deep dust pits and that bicycles and motorcycles frequently go down traversing the sand/dust. We ask if she has water and she lets us fill up with her collected rain water. She says they're not allowed to call it potable but she says she drinks it. Hint: the Bar 10 has plenty of cold spring water when you get there.

With great caution, we proceed through the treacherous path to ToroWeap only to discover at the end that there was nothing as bad as some of the silt pits we had already gone through coming from SB Point. Toroweap was, for me, the highlight overlook of the trip. It is 3,000 ft straight down to the river. It takes your breath away to step up on the edge. The photos don't convey the feeling of being there.

We had a permit to camp at Toroweep but we were there in the early afternoon and did not want to sit around waiting for the sun to go down. The ranger told us we were the only ones with a permit there that night so we decide on the way back out to ride over to the camp ground to see what we'd be missing. The photos below are at the campground.

We continue our ride to Mount Trumbull Schoolhouse. We pass through a really nice pine-forested area on the way to the schoolhouse. Coming down off the mountain where the pine forest was toward the schoolhouse I came in a little too hot to left-hand 90 deg turn. I think I was distracted looking at the Bundy Ranch entrance which is where i would have gone if I had gone straight. By the time i realized I was supposed to tun left it was too late. I found myself embarrassed with my front wheel in an irrigation ditch. Russ came to help me back the bike out of the ditch. I failed to photograph any of this.
The school was established in 1916 and has been restored and maintained by donations of those who attended.

Our next stop is Bar 10 to fill up. Their gas is now $8 per gallon.
Russ asks if I wanted to go down to Whitmore Overlook. I had just watched "Riding, Remote, and Alone" ( with a camera crew and a support truck. In the video he said that I would fall down if I rode down there and I wasn't feeling like jeopardizing the trip at this point so I deciding we should just go back toward the Schoolhouse and camp in the forest.


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