Sunday, August 11, 2019

Decisiveness - 8/10/2019

In leadership, it is often better to make a timely decision and stick with it than to waffle trying to make the perfect decision. This road runner jumped out in front of me Saturday and would have been safely across the road but suddenly reversed direction and started running back where it came from. Again it could have made it safely but it changed its mind once more and tried to cross in front of me, this time its path intersected with the path of my front tire.

Indecisiveness proved fatal for the swift Roadrunner
1 Cor 14:8 - For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?

The same day I came upon a rattlesnake sunning on the trail. It was not as fast as the roadrunner but it made a decision to move and stuck to that decision.

Decisiveness saved the slower Rattlesnake 
Aug 3 was Felicia's birthday. 
Felicia at 59
We went to the Sonora Desert Museum at night.
Haley with wings


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