Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Haley Returns

Haley returned from her mission on Wednesday afternoon. The flights didn't go as planned but she made it a few minutes before her scheduled release with President Broadbent.
Sister Reese back in Tucson from Las Vegas

At Baggage Claim

Haley did well on her mission and she followed the spirit. I was so pleased with her report to the High Council on Sunday.
Stake President's office

Gordon and John came by train to see Haley and visit us.
John with Wyatt and Doc at the train station
We went to the desert museum.

We visited the bat cave and John put on the ears.
 John dug for dinosaur bones
 Then, after getting first aide for two skinned knees, we went to pack rat playhouse.

On Saturday morning we went to the ward Easter party and then we hiked at Catalina State Park.
John negotiating the stream crossing

On the Canyon Loop trail

Live creature Display at Trail Head


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