Sunday, January 27, 2019


We had our stake conference this week and Elder Lynn G. Robbins came.  I tried to see if he was somehow related on the Robbins line (my mom's side) but I couldn't tell. The relative finder tool made by Ken Reese didn't find anything but it did say I am a 10th cousin of Quinton L. Cook.

Elder Robbins said that the brethren were very concerned about the lack of resiliency in this generation of young people. Too many missionaries are coming home early from their missions. He said that parents are being too protective and not allowing children to resolve conflicts and make decisions on their own before they leave for their missions and so they get to the mission field being overly needy and unable overcome the trials that face every missionary. When the Lord placed Adam and Eve in the garden, he did not force them to make decisions but instead told them there were trees in the garden and they could eat from all of them freely except the tree of knowledge of good and evil, "but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat, for in the day that thou eatest4 of it thou mshalt surely die." Then the Lord said that "never-the-less it given unto thee and thou mayest choose for thyself". 

The choice they made resulted in them being removed from a place where little work and minimal trials were required to survive. Instead they found themselves in the "lone and dreary world" where they had to battle weeds and elements in order to eat. We believe that Adam and Eve chose the life our Heavenly Father actually intended them to choose. It is in this kind of world that man can learn,  grow, and progress. 

Elder Robbins said it is important that young men and women be given the freedom to make some of their own choices and deal with the consequences. They must learn that they can overcome trials. Parents must counsel and teach correct principles.

We have learned throughout history that man,  in general, does better when allowed freedom of choice rather than being forced by governments or tyrants. When agency and responsibility are given to individuals, greater things are accomplished than when the state provides or directs everything. 

I have been reading The Making of Modern Economics by Mark Skousen. This is a reasonably easy read covering the notable economists in history. Adam Smith (a Scotsman) was the economist responsible for inspiring the economic freedom principles of western cultures. He wrote The Wealth of Nations in 1776. His inspired book influenced Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin and resulted in enormous growth in the standard of living in Western Europe and North America. 
Implementing Adam Smith's principles resulted in exponential economic growth in UK

Karl Marx, on the other hand, wrote a passionate work (The Communist Manifesto) and a book on  economic theory (Capital) decrying the 'injustices' that result in free 'capitalist' societies (Marx invented the term 'capitalist'). Marxism inspired Lenin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, and Chavez of Venezuela resulting in the deaths and imprisonment of 10s of millions. These communist/socialist countries have significantly lower standards of living than capitalist societies. All of Marx's economic theories have been shown to be wrong yet the passion in his writings continues to influence people today. Today we know that the free markets called for by Adam Smith have done much more to help the working class than Marxism has.  

Adam Smith vs Karl Marx

To me Adam Smith and Karl Marx represent the principles fought for during the war in heaven between Jehovah and Lucifer. Agency versus tyranny; individual responsibility versus perpetual dependency.

I think we are fortunate to live in the USA... but then I must rethink that. It is not actually fortune that puts us here but it is part of our Heavenly Father's plan so we can participate in the great work of gathering Israel in the latter days.


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