Sunday, January 6, 2019

2019 New Year

We had rain and snow (in higher elevations) come to Tucson for the New Year. Felicia and I drove out to Oracle and beyond to find some snow. Here is Felicia at the AZ Trail crossing of Tiger Mine road.

We  drove down into the Tucson Wash and found snow to drive on in the narrow canyon part.

Then we drove down the wash to the train trestle near Mammoth.

I took a hike up Linda Vista trail and kept going to the top of Pusch Peak while Felicia played Tennis.
Starting up the Canyon to Pusch Peak
Dinosaur Fins on Pusch Ridge
The Summit of Pusch Peak
View of Tucson from the Summit
On the way down, I heard rocks sliding on the ridge above me. Looking up, I saw several Bighorn Sheep.
Two Bighorn Sheep silhouetted against the sky 
Here is some GoPro Video of the hike:
GoPro VIDEO LINK of Push Peak Hike

A few days later Felicia and I hiked the Canyon Loop in Catalina State Park. There was water in the stream, which was great!

Felicia and I really enjoyed this hike.

Gordon and Alison and the boys spent New Years Day in Houston. Eric and Krystal were in San Antonio. Haley was on her mission in Las Vegas.We learned that Haley will be returning on April 10th.


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