Sunday, March 10, 2019

We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet

A historic event happened this week, the dedication of the Rome Italy Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. All of the apostles and first Presidency were in attendance. This is the first time, since the restoration, that all apostles were gathered in a single location outside of the USA. This may be the first time ever that all apostles were gathered in Rome. The Rome visitor's center features the Christus statue depicting the resurrected Christ and the original 12 apostles with Peter holding the keys representing the authority to act in Christ's name while directing the kingdom of God on earth.

Bertel Thorvaldsen's Christus and the Apostles
Rome Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
In conjunction with the dedication, the two men claiming to hold the keys of presidency today held a meeting together.
Pope Francis and President Russel M. Nelson
Of course they can'y both be right about holding the keys of presidency, so they differed on that front, but they found common cause on many other aspects such as religious freedom, secularization of society, and charitable support of the needy.

Here in Tucson, the 3rd annual NW Interfaith Community Celebration was held with Pres. Broadbent representing the North Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with leaders representing the Catholic Church, the Third Church of Christ, Scientist; the Casas Adobes Congregational United Church of Christ; the Muslim Community Center of Tucson; the Jewish Community Center of Tucson, and the Baha’i Faith of Oro Valley. The subject of the meeting was gratitude. Gratitude to God is an subject all religions can agree on. I forgot to attend this year but I heard reports about it from Bro. Hurst. The leader of each congregation spoke about something they were grateful for. President Broadbent spoke about being grateful for a prophet and tactfully discussed the prophets throughout time who have received inspiration to share with us in holy scripture while directing the church of their time. He said he was grateful for a modern prophet today. A small choir group from the stake then sang a cappella, 'We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet'. Terril said the mixed congregation all clapped when the the last strain of the song was finished: "While they who reject this glad message, shall never such happiness know".

Leaders of the Interfaith Community Celebration of Gratitude
On the home front, the weather has warmed and the wildflowers are in bloom.
I call them bluebonnets, Felicia says they are lupines in AZ
The Group Ride

Russ on his new KTM 990 Baja Edition

Russ showing off his new bike

Bryan following Russ toward Sonoita



Japanese Invaders


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