Sunday, December 22, 2019

2019 Christmas Visit from Gordon's Family

Gordon and Alison and John and Tommy came to visit via Amtrack. Well, it just so happened that the City of Tucson decided to have a Christmas Fair on the Saturday they were arriving. The parking lot that was already inadequate was made worse by the fair locking acces to some lots and by visitors coming to see the crafts and Santa.
Train Station Parking areas blocked for craft fair
 Then a freight train was blocking the Amtrack train from arriving.
Freight Train in the way of Passenger Train
Santa at the Train 
If you weren't tired of riding the train already, there was this
Finally they arrived.

Gordon, Alison, and Haley went to Star Wars ...

...while we took the boys to the park.

We enjoyed our Christmas Sacrament Meeting.

Later that evening we visited Winterhaven per our tradition in Tucson.


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