Sunday, March 29, 2020

COVID-19 March 2020

This is now the 3rd Sunday that we have been asked to meet at home with our families. Today, Pres. Nelson, the prophet, has asked that we fast and pray for relief from the effects of this pandemic.

These are unique times. Never before in history have we voluntarily shut down large parts of our economy to help the few most vulnerable among us by slowing the infection rate of this disease. We, in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, have been uniquely prepared for this event. One year ago, the leaders of the church started emphasizing that gospel learning needs to be home centered and church supported. For years we have been told to have home food storage for a time of need. I, for one, never expected the need for food storage to be caused by the spread of a virus. I know that we are in the Lord's hands and that his plan will roll forward no matter what.

Economically, some businesses have had to close. Many are experiencing a slow down. Travel and tourism has been significantly affected. Dentists and hair dressers are not making money. The stock market is down 20%. I have taken a major hit in my retirement account, but fortunately I am able to continue working.

Regarding the health of our family, Haley has had some kind of infection that caused her a fever for 2 days. She was not able to get tested to see what it was because her symptoms were too mild and they wanted to save the tests for more severe infections. I hope she had the COVID-19 virus, otherwise she may get sick again. It appears obvious now that all of us will eventually be exposed to it. Haley is now recovered. She was sick with a fever for 2 days and had tightness in her chest also, but is fine now.

People have been asked to do 5 things:
1) Wash hands
2) Cough into your elbow
3) Don't touch you face
4) Keep 6ft away from people
5) Stay home if you can

Here are the statistics fro Arizona now.
All counties in AZ are now reporting at least one case. These, however, are only cases that tested positive. The data from the Diamond Princess cruise ship suggests that this represents only a fraction of the number who may have been exposed and only half of the people infected show symptoms. Since we are only testing people with significant symptoms, we can postulate that at least 2000 people in AZ are currently infected. That would align more with the death rate we are reporting which should not be more than 1%. We will not know the true number of cases in AZ until testing becomes more widespread.

Here is what the US looks like today. NY, NJ, and CT most affected. Gordon and Alison are in the LA area. It has a large number of cases, but also lots of people. Eric and Crystal are in Mississippi with lots of little dots.
There are advantages to being in a rural community.
Churchwide, members are holding sacrament meetings in our homes. Haley joined us virtually today via FaceTime for our home fast and testimony meeting. This morning, I met with the High Council using the Zoom app. We also had two recently returned missionaries report via Zoom. I met with the La Cholla Ward Bishopric via Google Hangout. Temples are currently all closed. Next week is General Conference. No one, other than General Authorities will be there live. Everyone else will attend via broadcast. This General Conference of the Church will celebrate the 200th anniversary of the First Vision of Joseph Smith, the first prophet of our dispensation. We are looking forward to that.

Meanwhile, it is springtime in the desert.


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