Sunday, January 10, 2021

Violent Errors of Passion

2020 Election Protest 

A grave error was committed by those rallying for Pres. Trump in Washington DC on Jan 6, 2021.

Election Protestors at the Capital Jan 6, 2021 

Republican Senators and Congressmen were sticking their necks out to lodge objections  to election results based on certain states violating their own election process laws. Instead of allowing these representatives to be able to make their case during prime television hours, the pro-Trump protestors of the election results undermined the message by invading the capital, destroying federal property (breaking windows), and causing all lawmakers to have to abandon the building. Predictably, violence and even death resulted. 

All republican leaders, including Pres Trump, condemned the invasion but the damage was done. Elite media and Democrats quickly used this instance to discount any mention of election irregularities (as they have been for weeks) which will only further alienate and impassion the millions of Americans who believe the election was unfair. The cowardice of any court to allow the election problems to be brought before a court for hearing is a significant factor that brought this to a head at the capital.  All cases presented to the court were dismissed for procedural reasons such as timing or standing. Not a single case was allowed to be brought before the court for discovery and a decision on the merits. 

Dennis Prager commented that a group or movement should not be judged by the actions of a few bad actors but by the reaction of the group's leaders to that bad action. The invasion at the capital was stupid, illegal, and damaging to the message the protestors were trying to send.


COVID is now spreading among the population as it was destined to do in the winter months. The graph below shows the cases in Arizona.

AZ COVID Cases in Jan 10, 2021

Despite having twice the number of cases now as in July of this year, knowledge of the disease has improved so hospital beds are not depleted. The current number of hospital beds filled is similar to a bad flu season. Flu is nearly non-existent this year. The stress at hospitals is  a shortage of healthcare workers caused by schools being closed and parents needing to be home with their children.



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