Sunday, March 7, 2021

When Life Gives You Lemons

 We've had a lot of lemons on the tree...not unusual for this time of year. 

Meyer Lemons from our Tree

Fresh Squeezed Lemonade

I really like fresh-squeezed lemonade.

With COVID 19 finally waning, I need to catch up on activities. Haley and I hiked Linda Vista Trail on new year's day 2021. We were able to wish many people Happy New Year on the trail.
Haley on Linda Vista Trail

Haley is applying for graduate school to get a Masters in Social Work. She applied at Baylor and was accepted but when we found out the tuition, we realized that would not work ($40,000/semester).

Gordon and Alison and the grandkids are surviving the lockdowns in California. Some playgrounds just opened up and John and Tommy were able to play.
John colapses after spinning Tommy

John is happy with the Playground

John's new front teeth

Tommy tired

Eric and Krystal just moved to Alan, TX. This is the town we lived in before moving to Tucson. It is a nice town.

We miss being able to visit people we want to when we want to.


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