Sunday, February 20, 2022

Christmas 2021

 This Christmas we decided to all meet where Eric and Krystal were since Eric could not travel. Eric has been recovering nicely from his surgery. We looked for a vacation rental in Allen, TX but couldn't find one. We finally ended up in Richardson, TX. It was something like 15 miles from Eric and Krystals house.

Felicia flew to Atlanta to drive with Haley and Charlie from Athens, GA to Allen, TX. They then rented a car to drive to Tucson while leaving Haley's car with Eric. Haley was in Tucson with us a few days. We made the traditional trip to Winterhaven for the lights.


Before driving to Dallas in the rental, we all took the COVID test.

Negative COVID-19 result
Then we watched the Ericson's dance.

We made the Richardson house comfortable.
Tree Added 

Eric and Krystal brought a poinsettia to go with the tree.

 We had our traditional reading of "The Littlest Angel"

Ready for Santa

Eric and Krystal are appreciating life

Haley prepares to walk the dogs

Really Ready for Santa

For Tommy

For John

Christmas Morning Excitement

Grammy and Charlie look on as John and Tommy play

Proof that Haley used Hand Sanitizer

Ready, Smile

We watched a movie

The Dallas Temple

The Boys visit Dinosaurs

Watch out, Eric!

The Frogs

Tree House Playground

We enjoyed time together until New Year's Day, after which we checked out of the rental home, took all the luggage to Eric's place, then took Gordon's family to the airport. The next day, we dropped Felicia at the airport and Haley, Eric, and Krystal went to the Farmer's Market. Haley started feeling bad about then. She had been COVID vaccinated and boosted but somehow, she was catching it. 

Haley and I stayed at a hotel that night then left for Georgia with Charlie in her Kia Soul. Haley started feeling worse while we were driving. Her throat became so sore and swollen, she thought she had strep throat. We stopped in Vicksburg for the night and the next day she made an appointment with an urgent care there. We arrived at the appointment and several other cars were there with people sitting in them. Haley checked in and was told to wait in the car. We waited for over an hour and called to check on how many were still ahead of us. They said there were 19. Haley called UGa and made an appointment at the clinic for the following day and we left Vicksburg for Georgia. 

We stayed by the Atlanta Airport that night and I drove to a Walmart to get olive oil to bless Haley. She started feeling a little better. The next morning, she took me to the airport and then went to Athens to visit the clinic. They tested for everything, and it turned out she had COVID. I tested when I arrived home and tested negative. I had no symptoms either. We don't know how she caught it when no one else did, even me after spending 2 days and nights with her. Haley fully recovered soon after. 

That was Christmas 2021. A time of togetherness, gratitude for Eric's recovery, and expiencing our first confirmed COVID infection in the family.


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