Sunday, November 28, 2021

Thanksgiving 2021

 This is the second Thanksgiving weighed down under COVID-19 fears We tried to make the best of it. Only Haley was able to come and celebrate with us. She is studying to get a Masters of Social Work at the University of GA. She missed her first scheduled flight because of traffic around Atlanta. She had to stay in Atlanta with her friend, Kayla, and fly out a day later. She ended up arriving on Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

My last day of work before the holiday had me driving home into this sunset.

Driving into an Arizona Sunset

I was off work that entire week so I did some motorcycle riding.

Mt Lemmon Fall Colors

Tucson Wash Canyon

Ford Mine in Tucson Wash

Tiger Mine RR Trestle

I also hiked to Romero Pools in Catalina State Park.

Haley finally arrived after a long day od travel and craved In 'n Out with a Neopolitan shake
Good Burger and Neopolitan Shake

The next day was Thanksgiving. Haley anf Felicia watched the parade and prepared food while I put out decorations.

On Friday, we hiked to Montrose Pools in the morning.

Montrose Pools

At Montrose Pools

Natural Coat Rack

Glowin Cacti

Friday evening we went to eat at Mosaic and then went to see Hamilton at Centennial Hall.
Waiting for Hamilton

We were there early

We missed the rest of our family. Gordon and Alison and their kids were in California with Alison's side of the family. Eric and Krystal were in Texas with Krystal's side of the family. We are grateful that Eric continues to improve his health. He is allowed to drive again. He still uses oxygen when exercising.

We conyinue to be grateful for the freedom's and opportunity afforded us in this country, the freedom for Eric to find an inovative life-saving treatment for a serious medical condition, the freedom for Haley to pursue the course of study she desires, the freedom to worship as we please. We pray that we soon can have normalcy and the freedom to work and travel without restriction.


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