Sunday, May 22, 2022

Patagonia - Happy Birthday, Haley

 My rear shock is dying on my motorcycle so I couldn't ride it this weekend. I ordered a used replacement on ebay and convinced Felicia to drive to Patagonia Lake to check it out. We had a State Park annual pass so we thought we could get in on the pass and just see what it was like  for a future trip to go kayaking. 

Well, we drove up to the entrance and flashed the pass. The ranger told us this was the only day of the year the pass doesn't work because of the annual Mariachi Festival. Of course, we had no idea there would be a Mariachi Festival. We had driven all this way so we paid the $20 entry fee. The park was packed. We had to park some distance away and ride a shuttle to the beach area. Our original plan was to check out the Marina and walk around the lake on the walking path. I turned out that people had set up their picnic areas on the walking path so walking around the lake was foiled.
 At least we got to see a little of the lake and watch Folclorico. It did look like a fun place to paddle around if it were less busy.
Tomorrow is Haley's Birthday. She has been doing well in school and has straight As, so far. She started work at Crumble Cookie's. She tells us it is difficult physical work but she is trying to see if she can stick with it. We appreciate that she is striving to live the gospel while on her own.
Unfortunately, Krystal came down with a significant bout with COVID-19 and Eric also seems to be getting it. Krystal has gotten an anti-body infusion and we look forward to a report of her improvement.
Gordon and Alison have an official diagnosis for John of ADHD. That will help him get the proper learning help at school.  We enjoy visits with our grandchildren and wish it could be more often.
We had ward conference this Sunday for Pusch Ridge Ward. Our Stake President has complained to the High Council that he is seeing a large increase in young people with sexual impurity problems as they interview for missions or, more problematic, do not disclose their mistakes prior to their mission and Pres Broadbent gets a call from the mission president. Pres Winfield talked to us about the churches book called, A Parent's Guide. It explains how parents can help children of different ages understand sexuality. There is a chapter for helping children from birth to 3 yrs be comfortable with their gender and to understand that their Hevenly Parents and earthly parents love them as they are, male or female. There is a chapter for teaching children 4-11, another for 12-18, and another for courtship and marriage. I definitely could have done a better job teaching you kids on this subject and could have used this resource.  A Parent’s Guide (


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