Sunday, April 26, 2015

Late Easter Cantata

All of our children are progressing in life. Eric passed his CNA skills test this week and only has the written test still to go. Gordon has a new work opportunity. Alison took her students to an English Literature Criticism competition at Baylor University (who knew such things existed?). Haley is planning a big hike in Zion's National Park.

I was involved in an Easter Cantata last Sunday called 'Praise to the Lord' by Sally Deford. It was with the West Stake. They needed bases so Sis Carter invited me. Her brother, a former BYUI dance professor (Mel Claridge), was the director. An excellent tenor soloist, Mike Claridge, sings at 19:00. I actually have a close up at 32:47.  The song ' Upon the Altar' at 43:00 is in 7/4 time and was about the crucifixion. It was challenging to sing and is about all the cruelty and commotion going on 'and the stillness of the lamb of God'. Felicia joined with us singing the last song at 57:36.

Been reading the 'Clementine Recognitions' by Clement of Rome, an early gentile Christian convert. Nibley referred to this document many times int 'The World and the Prophets'. Many interesting passages that are uniquely in line our beliefs. Here is one eample:

52. The saints, before his coming

When he had thus spoken, I answered: "If those shall enjoy the kingdom of Christ, whom his coming shall final righteous, shall then those be wholly deprived of the kingdom who have died before his coming?" Then Peter says: "You compel me, O Clement, to touch on things that are unspeakable. But so far as it is allowed to declare them, I shall not shrink from doing so. Know then that Christ, who was from the beginning, and always, was ever present with the pious, though secretly, through all their generations: especially with those who waited for him, to whom he frequently appeared. But the you was not yet that there should be a resurrection of the bodies that were dissolved; but this seemed rather to be their reward from God, that whoever should be found righteous, should remain longer in the body; or, at least, as is clearly related in the writings of the Law concerning a certain righteous man, that God translated him. In the same way others were dealt with, who pleased his will, that, being translated to Paradise, they should be kept for the kingdom. But as to those who have not been able completely to fulfill the rule of righteousness, but have had some remnants of evil in their flesh, their bodies are indeed dissolved, but their souls are kept in good and blessed abodes, that at the resurrection of the dead, when they shall recover their own bodies, purified even by the dissolution, they may obtain an eternal inheritance in proportion to their good deeds. And therefore blessed are all those who shall attain to the kingdom of Christ; for not only shall they escape the pains of hell, but shall also remain incorruptible, and shall be the first to see God the Father, and shall obtain the rank of honour among the first in the presence of God.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Especially for Women

Felicia went to 'Time Out for Women' this weekend.

I decided to play around in the outdoors. I first hiked to Romero Pools while wearing my Reagan Library shirt.

The first mile is a relatively flat sandy section.

This guy was hiking barefoot. I thought that seemed dumb.

At the end of the sandy section is a fork. Romero pools to the left 2.4 miles and Montrose pools right 100 ft.
Here are Montrose Pools.

Here is what the Romero pools trail looks like in parts.

The path goes between rocks in some places

First view of Romero Canyon.
Pools viewed from above. I met barefoot guy again here. He had boots on.
Up close

A young fellow passed me coming up. I found him sun bathing on a rock.
Here is the pool below him. I hope he didn't plan to jump.

One last view on the way back out.

That evening I went for a ride. There was a tow truck at the trailhead with a 4Runner loaded that had significant body damage and a busted out windshield like you would see in a rollover. I found this place on the trail where someone had taken out their oil pan. 

See the busted rock and the oil slick.
 See the oil trail
Several Bud Light cans were strewn around 
The evening light on the mountain makes for pretty pictures.

I found these deer on the way out but had to take the picture twisted around backwards on my bike and couldn't hols the camera steady.

The next morning I trimmed the Mesquite tree in front to make room for the Saguaro to grow. 

Then in the afternoon I went off-roading in the truck to a ghost ranch called '96 Ranch'.

There was a sign on the gate post giving an introduction.

I wasn't the one visiting then. There were 5 people in this thing.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

See this Movie

Go see Freetown.

Our theater was not well attended on opening night.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter 2015

I spent three days this week in Dallas for business. Next week I am in San Jose. It was nice to take a break this weekend. Friday was the free day. Felicia went to play tennis in the morning and I decided to do an Easter Hike, like my Dad and I used to do when I was young.

My dentist, Dave, had told me for years about hiking to Pusch Peak via the Linda Vista trail. It is a 3 mile hike but intensely steep in places. Gordon and Haley hiked up part way with me once. This time I was determined to get all the way up. Here is a Google Earth view of the trail to the peak.

Not long after leaving the Linda Vista trail and starting up the canyon trail to Pusch Peak I ran into this.

Apparently a couple died here in 2012.

Here is a shot of the steep rock scramble Haley and Gordon and I did.

Here is the ridge I'm heading for.

Near the top.

Survey marker at the summit.

Dave said he got to the top in 1 hr once. It took me 2 hrs. Here is the view of Tucson and "A" mountain in the distance. There were beautiful 360 degree views here. Someday we hope to see a temple in this view. More on the hike.

Friday afternoon Felicia and I drove to Mt Lemmon.

Saturday was the start of General Conference. We learned there are 3,114 stakes, 406 missions, 561 districts, 29,621 wards, 15,372,337 members, 85,147 missionaries, 3 new temples. 144 total temples.

There seemed to be a lot of emphasis on young people relationships and marriage. Here are some quotes...

“No one has ever come up with a more efficient way to raise the next generation than a household of married parents with children.”

Hugh Nibley: "Our commitment is supposed to be a test, it’s supposed to be hard, it’s supposed to be impractical in the terms of this world”

"In an age dominated by the internet, which magnifies messages that menace faith, we must increase our exposure to spiritual truth." 

I tried to find the source of this quote:
"Those Who Can't Hear The Music Think The Dancers Are Insane." 
But only found it was a tattoo on the side of the actress from Transformers.