It's a Small World After All
Last week I had our mid-year technical review in Dulles, Virginia for the project I am working on. Dulles is the location of our cyber security range (translate to hacking center). Suffice it to say that I learned there that when you carry a cell phone, you give away any privacy you thought you had in your life.
Anyway, on the Sunday prior to traveling there, Tammy called us and mentioned that Kevin and KB had arranged to go to the Air and Space Museum in Dulles the same day of my meeting there. The museum in Dulles is an extension of the Smithsonian in D.C. since there wasn't room for everything there.
We arranged to get together that evening for dinner.
It was weird that we guys from San Antonio, Seattle area, and Tucson all ended up in Dulles, VA on the same night. Their Hotel was about 5 miles from mine.
Here they are playing the part of Wilson W. Wilson of Home Improvement fame.
Near my hotel was a nice outdoor mall called the Reston Towne Center mall. This fountain was at its center.
My flight home was delayed due to rain in Dulles.
Eric arrived here the day after I got back to Tucson. He is still working to get an internship. He assures us he will be successful but we worry.
We closed on refinancing our house at 3.5% on Friday. This will leave us paying about the same per month but finishing 1 year early.
We took Eric and Haley to see the bats. Here is the bridge where they live.
Here are some flying.
Watching the aerial acrobatics.
Here is the bat home. You can guess what the drippings are on the bridge beams.
I went for a ride earlier on Saturday while the kids were sleeping. They don't get moving until noon when they come to visit so they miss half of the day's activities. There were quite a few puddles due to the monsoon rains.
This one was much deeper than expected and the entry splash came up over the top of the windshield...
...and into my lap.
The ride was kind of hot up to that point but became comfortable after I was soaked.
Johnny of Houston is growing up. We really liked this montage of photos from Alison.
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