Felicia had her birthday last week. We celebrated by going to the art museum in Phoenix. What follows are a few photos of semi-interesting pieces. Some art we were not allowed to photograph and some we were.
This red toy story type dinosaur was on the front lawn of the museum and invited all to play on it.
I am not sure why my camera's colors are messed up with the green hue. One of the rooms had a display called, as best I remember, "In which you are consumed by fireflies". It was a very dark room with strings of little LEDs hanging down from wires. There were some strategically placed mirrors as well, making it difficult to find the exit to the room. This picture doesn't do it justice.
The photo below is of a work by Anish Kapoor called "Upside Down and Inside Out". He creates highly polished shapes with interesting optical effects.
This was done by a lady who recovered wood from a house fire and strung it up by wire as shown.
This is a wall of colored index cards. Not sure why.
Below was video "art". This thing had a mouth and eyes that all moved independently.
Some random sculptures
We picked up a bundt cake ...
...and went out to eat.
I liked the pretzel bite fondue.
Birthday Bundt!
This past weekend Haley wanted to hike. We went to Mt Lemmon to hike on the Box Camp Trail.
I taught Gospel Doctrine today. We discussed Elijah ascension and the mantel passing to Elisha. An interesting tidbit is that there is a Jewish tradition that Elijah was actually Phinehas from Moses' time in the wilderness. Phinehas was also called Zealous for the Lord just like Elijah. Phinehas helped turn Israel from whoredoms with the Midianite women when he ran through a man from the tribe of Simeon sinning with a Midianite. The scriptures say he was blessed with the 'everlasting Priesthood' as a result, which is interpreted as he was not to taste death. It is said he was taken away and returned as Elijah.
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