Sunday, September 24, 2017

Sister Haley Reese

Sister Haley Reese was set apart on Tue Sep 19 by Pres Broadbent. We said goodbye at the Tucson Airport early Wed morning. Click the link with her name for her first report.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Haley's Last Week in Tucson

This was Haley's last week  in Tucson before her mission. We had lots of things to complete: transfer of car title, changing auto insurance, getting medical insurance, completing clothing and luggage purchase, encrypting mission tablet, etc.

She wanted to drive up to Mt Lemmon one more time.
Arriving at Windy Point

Walking to Observation Area

Enjoying the View

On the Edge

Fun Under a Rock
I took an early morning ride out to Owl Head Buttes on Friday. I met a desert tortoise.
Barely avoided hitting him
Owl Head Buttes
 I lost the tool roll out of my tail bag on the Friday ride. I didn't find out until I got home. I had spent a lot of time and over $100 putting the tools together. An equivalent kit on line all assembled was priced at $299. I decided I had to go back the next morning to see if I could find it. Part of the trail I had ridden was seldom traveled, especially in the heat of the day.

Luckily I was able to find it just before the trail got difficult.
Tool roll...Once was lost but now it's found

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Moving Miss Haley

We drove up to Utah to help Haley move back home for a few weeks before her mission to Nevada Las Vegas West. Felicia and  I visited my Mom and then Janet in the Specialty Care facility. Mom was fine and coping with age. Janet showed improvement. She could move her left arm now and could move her eyes and squeeze with her hand. I couldn't tell if she was aware though. After visiting Janet we went by the Provo Temple and the new MTC.

We loaded all of Haley's things in the truck and a uhaul trailer and headed South.
Getting gas while towing a trailer was always an adventure but the Flying J near Beaver was especially interesting. All the pumps were being used so I pulled up behind a guy. After I pulled up I noticed the car was empty. I waited several minutes for him to return  but he didn't come so I grabbed the pump and stretched it to my filler spout and began filling. I though he was done and had just gone into the store. He returned as I was finishing filling up and then flipped his filler cap door open and looked at me. I asked, "Have you not already filled up?" He answered no. I told him I had waited a long time and decided to fill mine. I finished and gave him the pump hose.
Since backing the trailer is hard, I waited for him to finish. After he filled up, he left again to go into the store. I waited a while and then got tired of waiting and backed up the trailer and maneuvered out of there. People were waiting at every pump there and I was shocked that he would be so inconsiderate as to block a pump that long.

Sister Reese with Deseret First Luggage
The Bishop of Haley's ward in Sandy is President of Deseret First Credit Union and he told Haley to apply for a luggage "scholarship" from them. They award selected missionary applicants luggage. She was gifted this nice set.

Haley spoke in church today. Her former Young Women's leaders came to hear her. She told about her decision to go and likened her difficulties in getting to the Amtrak station in San Diego to finding her way to deciding to leave on a mission. Many people told me that they enjoyed her talk. I thought she did an excellent job.