Monday, April 25, 2016

Happiest Place On Earth

First Time on the Long Walk

At the entrance

Falling for the Build-a-Bear Racket

John and Haley at the Hotel

Eric and Krystal taking the shortcut to the Indiana Jones ride

Johnny tells Marianne, "I want Pirates!"

Buzz Lightyear line
Protecting Planet Earth

Storm Troopers invade

Eric and Krystal in Tomorrow Land

Gordon joins the crowd

Rocket ships

Scream line

Felicia is ready to Scream

Is this the line for the Superheroes?


Captain America

Chasing light in the Animation Studio

Luigi's place

Tow Mater

Attempted a Group Photo

Time for a race

While Johnny naps

Krystal in her Race Car

Johnny snapped awake for the parade. "It's Mickey Papa!"

Entertaining people in the Rocket line

Johnny's splash pad

Dinner at La Brea

Dancing with Goofy

Tiki Room

Paint the Night

Newport Beach Temple


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