Sunday, April 17, 2016

Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe





It is Presidential election season again and it seems our choices are unusually poor this year. Here are some truisms I have discovered to help you make up your mind.

1) The larger the government, the smaller the God.
The more controlling the central government, the more dependent people are on government, the less they look to God. European social democracies are a prime example with fewer and fewer believing individuals. Charity ceases to be charity when it forced by the government. There is less gratitude on the part of the receiver and there is no edifying feeling of service enjoyed by the giver.

2) The larger the government the smaller the individual
The more involved government is in our lives the less freedom we have in our individual choices. "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

3) If government supports something financially, you will get more of that thing...often an unintended consequence. For instance, when the government supported home loans to high risk individuals, we got lots of high risk home loans in the financial system. They continued to accumulate until the number of defaulted loans was unsustainable and the financial system was on the brink of collapse.

I spoke in church today on Joseph Smith, Prophet of the Restoration. I basically went through all the prophesies about Joseph Smith from the ancient Prophets, many of which were quoted by Moroni when he visited Joseph Smith 3 times in a row when he was 17. I also found Joseph Smith's patriarchal blessing as delivered by his father on the web and quoted from that.  It is very interesting...Click here

Our neighborhood garage sale was this weekend. We sold off Gordon's old bed so we could get something better in the room. We started off asking $75 and ended up selling it for $35 while begging someone to take it.

I found one of my favorite desert creatures on a ride this weekend.

I noticed that he stuck out his tongue when I stomped my foot.

I stomped and tried to catch a picture of the tongue.

He was always too fast but he got tired of winning the game...

...and left

Here is the new bike on the hill at Cochie Springs trail.


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