Dryer is Better
I was sick last week and didn't post. That was an eventful week, also, with Haley's new car and Gordon's new house.
Haley's car 'blew up' on the freeway while going to work. She had been looking for a new car and had one in mind. The deal was sealed when the Altima self destructed. For weeks it had been making noise and we had been encouraging Haley to get it repaired. She was too busy.
The tow truck driver offered her $300 for the car. She took it and went to the Kia dealer to get a hamster car.
She had fallen for the Titanium Silver model.
She feels comfortable and safe in it.
Gordon, Alison, and John finally were able to move in to their CA home and unpack.
They didn't like the gold shower door so they removed that.
Eric and Krystal are still planning their move to Texas in the spring. Krystal has an internship/job lined up there and Eric is working on doing the same.
Our clothes dryer went out this week. Felicia got new one and Eric asked that we try to fix the old one for them to use. That was enough motivation for me to watch all the youtube videos on how to make the repair. In order to replace the heating element in our old Kenmore, you must dismantle the entire dryer.
The heating element was burned through. A replacement part is $25.50 from Amazon prime.
New one
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