Sunday, December 27, 2015

Merry Pink Eye

Haley and I decided to go for a hike Christmas Eve. By the time we were ready to go, Felicia was back from her jazzercise class and said she would go, too. We went to the Linda Vista trail.
Linda Vista Trailhead

Oro Valley in the background

Nice View

The Explorer

Negotiating the trail
On Christmas Day, Haley awoke with a swollen red left eye.

Urgent Care Check-in Christmas Morning 2015
 The doctor told here she didn't think it was Pink Eye but it was Conjunctivitis. I didn't know there was a difference. Maybe one is viral and the other bacterial. She was told not to wear contacts for 1 week.
 We were off to the Pharmacy to get the antibiotic eye drops.
Then to the Pharmacy on Christmas Morning

Eye Drops 4 times a day for a week.


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