Sunday, November 15, 2015

Let your Light Shine

"On Friday morning, hours before news broke that terrorists killed 129 people and wounded hundreds of other innocent victims in coordinated, bloody attacks all around Paris, President Obama told Americans that “we have contained” the advance of the Islamic State...

We must wage the war to defeat the enemy, not merely to harass it." - Mitt Romney

When American and western influence retreats, tyrants fill the void and millions die or are forced to live with highly restricted freedoms.

President Obama came into office pledging to end two wars. He will leave office with America engaged in three wars. We are the most equipped nation to lead and it doesn't work to do it from behind.

On a lighter note, pun intended. I treated my frosted headlight on my truck with the 3M headlight restoration kit and got it looking almost like new.


I was in Dallas last week for work. We drove to McKinney. There is no undeveloped land anymore between Plano and McKinney along 75. Business in Texas is booming while business in Tucson is languishing.

We are praying that Gordon and Alison can sell their house in Houston quickly, Eric can get a new shift at work so his time home better aligns with when Krystal is home, and that Haley can arrange her move to Maryanne's place.

I have Jury Duty on Tuesday (11/17) and Felicia is going in for a colonoscopy on Wednesday. she has had some digestive problems that we haven't been able to figure out.


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